Signs You Need A New Storefront Door

You own a store and the most important feature of your storefront is its doors. You want the doors to open and close reliably and safely to allow guests to enter and leave your store without any issue. However, even the most cared-for doors won't last forever and you want to know when you need new doors installed. Here is a guide to help you determine if you need a new storefront door. [Read More]

Dogs And Doors: Ways To Keep Your Doors From Being Damaged By Pets

If you have indoor dogs, you might enjoy the companionship and personality they bring, but you might also feel the occasional exasperation when your dog damages some of the features of your home. Dogs can be especially hard on doors. Glass doors, for example, can become cloudy over years of your dog pawing the door to be let in or out. Painted exterior doors may become dented or scratched, and large dogs can tear screen doors. [Read More]

Two Safety Tests For Your Garage Door

Each time you change the batteries in your smoke alarms, go to your garage and perform a few safety checks. There are safety features on your garage door that are meant to prevent injuries and even death. If these features aren't tested often, you will not know that they aren't functioning as they should until it's too late and someone gets hurt. Here you will learn how to test these features and determine if a repairman is needed before something awful happens. [Read More]

Got A Retail Store And Want An Automatic Door? Different Types And Caring For The Door

If you own a retail store and do not have automatic doors, your customers may find it difficult to get in and out of your store. This is especially true if you are very busy and a lot of people are coming and going throughout the day. Automatic doors will take care of all this for you. Before you make a purchase, below are some different types of automatic doors, as well as information on how to care for the door so it will last you a long time. [Read More]